DISCLAIMER: This website is to provide grandparents with a place to share suggestions and ideas on the best ways to enjoy the time we spend with our grandchildren. Therefore, please, please, please, share your ideas, suggestions and stories with us! I am not a doctor or a nutritionist or a counselor or politician or lawyer or genius. I write about are things I think I have in common with other grandparents. I’m a retired teacher, the wife of a stroke patient, a mother and the best role of all – a Grandma!!!! Oh yeah, the FTC requires that I disclose that I will earn a commission on anything you purchase from advertisers through this website. So what are you waiting for? Start clicking and shopping!

Little Back To School Helpers

Where did the summer go?!  School is starting in the next few weeks, so I put out this little survey asking for input from students, teachers, parents, everybody.

  • What gets you excited about going back to school?
  • What worries you about going back to school?
  • What can your parents and grandparents do to help you get off to a good start this school year?

Here’s what the kids had to say:

Natalie, going into 6th grade, first year of middle school:

I look forward to seeing my friends again and to the start of cheerleading season.  I’m a little worried about going to a new school and having new teachers.   The weather will be getting cold and our schedules will get really busy.  The advice I would give incoming 5th graders (my sisters) is to make sure you hand in your homework consistently.  There are a lot of tests in 5th grade so stay on top of things.  Also, 5th grade camp was fun.  The advice I would give grandparents is to help out our parents by buying supplies, talk about our goals for the year and help us stick to routines we establish such as eating a good breakfast and keeping track of how much money we have in our lunch account.

Alli, going into 5th grade:

I’m looking forward to cheer season and seeing my friends again too.  With school, dance and cheerleading, I’m going to have a busy schedule again.  I want to tell incoming 4th graders to turn in their homework so they don’t get a “homework alert” and lose recess.  Also make sure you learn division and fractions.  My grandparents can help me plan good lunches and by driving me to some of my classes and activities.

Sami, going into 5th grade:

I’m looking forward to “Harmony” cheerleading, and seeing my friends.  When the weather gets colder, I won’t have so many mosquito bites.  I would tell incoming 4th graders that 4th grade is fun and there are a lot of fun projects.  I don’t like sports physicals, but I have to get one.  My grandparents can help by coming out to see me when I cheer and skate.

Cameron, 12th grade:

What gets him (my son, a 17 year old young man going to be a senior at North Farmington High School) excited about going back to school is the new supplies and organizing them. What worries him is not knowing who’s going to be in my classes.  Grandparents can help by buying me the supplies I know I need. Give me encouragement and support when I need it. Be there to talk to you about any issues or concerns I might have.


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